HOPE Response

Healing the Home, Heart, Human Experience and Gatherings by His Word!
This year will be the 10th year of doing the HOPI Christian Camp youth. So for the first time, we will teach the “HOPE Response” to the youth. Children are the true victims of loss, pain and grief as they are living dependent on their caregivers fully. So what do you do when you see their sullen face, grades dropping, or kicking the dog? It is important for them to know Jesus Christ and the HOPE found in His word.
They need to know Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saved the crushed in spirit” and to know that He has “put my tears in Your bottle.” Psalm 56:8 and so much more.
There are 10 sessions:
Why is there loss, pain and grief?
Our Sin and Others Sin
Get Help (Romans 13)
Emotions and Responses (2 Cor.7)
Get Open (Ephesians 5)
Get Praying (Matthew 6)
What we know of God
True Forgiveness
Get Encouraged (2 Cor.1)
Pass it On
We are forming a multi-cultural youth team to help with the youth outreach of these and to share their “HOPE” stories...ANY YOUTH YOU WANT TO RECOMMEND!
You can sponsor a child by buying a HOPE Response workbook for one or several for camp. Or donate craft supplies or cover the cost of a team shirt that identifies them as the ministry team. Bibles are always needed!

"HOPE Response" Camp at HOPILAND
Prayer Needed Most of All
- Pray for the sensitivity of the topic
- Pray the Holy Spirit heals the hurts
- Pray the HOPE gives power over sin
- Pray the family sees positive changes