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Ecuador Ravaged by Earthquake

On April 16, 2016, at 7:58 in the evening an earthquake hit coastal villages about 110 miles from Quito, Ecuador at the point of 7.8 on the richter scale with 659 people killed and 27,732 injured.  Praise the Lord for the 1st Responders to such tragedy of 13,500 military and police persons and  countless agencies from other countries.  


Yet any survivor of such natural disasters will tell you that it is when all is settled and close to the anniversary that the storm hits their hearts and minds.  The surfacing feelings, triggered reactions, invasive memories, reactive and protective fears are all what they most need help with.  It is a time when people and children need help to turn towards God rather than blame God!  


HOPE Response Team went May 23 - June 7, 2017

Ecuador 1st responders

Ecuador 1st responders

Ecuador tent

Ecuador tent

Ecuador care

Ecuador care

Ecuador circle

Ecuador circle

Ecuador church

Ecuador church

Ecuador kids

Ecuador kids

Results of the trip....


Zone Zero was under guard but open to locals.


Sad silence filled our group as we entered.


We lived with them even with running water only 2 times per week, plastic on walls and dirt floors.


Homes built by both Christian organizations and the government were springing up to replace the tents.


The focus of our team as "HOPE Responders" was to visit the survivors with the hope of Christ Jesus.


There was a tenderness and openness among the people that they were remembered.


A memorial with names and ages of those lost was put up which brought many to tears.

HOPE Responders

       Those with a heart for sharing this HOPE to children, adults, married couples, and elderly!  God has brought together a team that has all kinds of abilities and giftings from teaching, to music, to story-telling and crisis intervention that are willing to use their gifts and grow still more in doing it.  


        The HOPE RESPONSE  is all about sharing the hope of Christ in times of loss, pain and grief.   Our team includes spanish speakers so that the teachings go to the head and heart!  There are those called to be “goers” and others called to be “senders” so we ask that you prayerfully consider coming alongside of this team as a strong prayer and financial supporter of the needs the “goer” will face.       


Salt River Pima Tribe

Leo is an adult Bible teacher and one of the worship leaders on the Salt River Pima Maricopa tribe at the Lehi Nazarene Church.  He fondly remembers being raised as a youth in the church serving along side of his mother. He has a passion for reaching young teens in their various challenges and bringing them to know Christ in a personal relationship.  He obtained an Engineering degree and works as an Operations Manager for a corporation in the west valley of the Phoenix Metro.  He is fluent in Spanish.


Tohono O'odham Tribe

Rachel has a contagious, adventuresome spirit that does not shrink back from a challenge.  She has served as a Children's Church leader at her church so is gifted in creative management and communication with children. She has also served as a Crisis Intervention Specialist for the Salt River Pima Tribe after receiving her Masters Degree in Psychology.  Her ability to compassionately handle sensitive issues has been helpful in understanding the reactions of people in times of loss, pain and grief.  She knows the pain of those involved in substance abuse as a way of coping  and the surrounding family's feelings during this struggle.  She is fluent as well in Spanish.


Guatemalan Heritage

Ana has a passion for truth that has led her to first consider a career in criminal justice but has since changed to becoming a teacher. She is raised by "beautiful mother" with two much younger siblings that she helps to care for. She is faithful in her local church, Arcadia Baptist Church, that is Spanish-speaking congregation.  She has experienced the impact of an absent father and the challenges of being without when there was no employment for her mom.  She knows how difficult rebuilding one's life can be if you begin with nothing.  She serves with the children's ministry and is fully bi-lingual in Spanish/English and is 18 years of age.


Mexican American

Matthew enjoys football and basketball.  He is great at making cross-cultural friends.  Sound and audio tech is something he has taken an interest in doing and got trained in doing.  He has learned to share his "HOPE Story" of how he was adopted from birthparents who partied one night without thinking what would result.  He was sick often when younger and learned to put up with suffering and God has blessed him now with health.


Mexican Heritage

Viri is an 18 year old and the eldest of five children living with her parents who are all commited to their local church, Arcadia Baptist Church.  She will graduate from Tempe High School next month and will attend ASU the following year.  She enjoys teaching Sunday School to children and has been a translator for women's ministries in the valley.  Her family knows what it means to be the only Christians out of all her extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins.  She wants to help bring hope through faith in Jesus Christ.


French American

Olivia loves working with children and singing.  She is in her sophmore year at Grand Canyon University where she is studying Elementary Education and Special Needs.  She has a contagious spirit that makes many feel comfortable with her.  She openly shares her gratitude to her birthparents for choosing life and not abortion! She shares how their careful decision to adopt instead provided her a rich and wonderful life in Christ!

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Disaster "HOPE Responders"

Apply now if you would like to be considered for future outreach teams!  

HOPE Response, Inc. Headquarters

6548 East 5th Street, Scottsdale, AZ  85251

Phone: 480/238-5240, 480/593-0120



(A 501c3 tax-deductible, charitable non-profit organization)

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